About Amy

245 Crawford St. 
Fitchburg, MA
Know the Cost Before You Commit – All Prices Are Clearly Listed
Certified Pet Dog Trainer

About Amy

In Stride Pet Dog Training LLC is operated and owned by myself, Amy Schuller. I live in Leominster, Massachusetts with my husband Erik, my stepdaughter Hailey, our son Orrin, our baby girl Ebba and our rescue dogs. Dexter, the largest, is a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Pit Bull mix (DOB 5/06 - DOD 8/19), Molly is a Hound/Lab mix (DOB 07/04 - DOD 3/22), Olive is a Pit Bull mix (DOB 12/08 - DOD 1/22), Bill is a Heeler/Pit Bull mix (DOB 6/19) and Tux is a Bully type mix (DOB 4/22). I enjoy many activities with the dogs, such as walking, running, biking, nose work, dock diving and just spending quality time together. I am a Certified Pet Dog Trainer, and acquired my certification through Mount Ida College in Newton, Massachusetts. I am also a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and I am a Fear Free Certified Professional. I am passionate about working with all ages and breeds of dogs. My goal as a trainer, is to help keep dogs in their homes, through helping the dog and handler team enhance their understanding and communication of one another.  
Amy’s Training Philosophy
As your dog’s caregivers, you want to create an environment in which dogs will be set up for success and where both parties are having fun doing so! A calm and fair handler will in turn nurture a calm and reliable dog. I use positive training methods and am a Force and Fear Free Certified Professional Trainer. We will not use force or pain to create change in your dog's behavior or skill set.
 Luring, Shaping and Capturing Skills
In my training I use a positive science-based method of training. We will be using three different methods of helping our dogs gain an understanding of new skills through, luring, shaping, and capturing behaviors. The lure (typically food) helps in the acquiring of skills/cue when the dog is first learning the behavior. The reward (treat/toy/praise) helps reinforce the skill/cue just learned. When the dog understands the cue, the reward allows him/her to know the action was correct. When reinforcing what we like, it will help the pup want to do it again because they too also find it rewarding. There will be corrections being done in the form of, the removal of the treat, praise, toy, or interaction. Training will be done through humane and science backed methods. Training without pain is the best way!
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